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See also: 𣱱, , , , and

U+6C34, 水

CJK Unified Ideographs
U+2F54, ⽔

Kangxi Radicals
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Stroke order
4 strokes
Stroke order

Alternative forms

  • (when used as a left radical)
  • (when used in characters such as )

Han character


(Kangxi radical 85, +0, 4 strokes, cangjie input (E), four-corner 12230, composition 𰛄丿(GJKV) or 𰛅(GJKV) or 𰛄丿(HT))

  1. Kangxi radical #85, .

Derived characters



  • Kangxi Dictionary: page 603, character 1
  • Dai Kanwa Jiten: character 17083
  • Dae Jaweon: page 992, character 9
  • Hanyu Da Zidian (first edition): volume 3, page 1545, character 1
  • Unihan data for U+6C34

Further reading


Central Bai

A user has added this entry to requests for verification(+)
If it cannot be verified that this term meets our attestation criteria, it will be deleted. Feel free to edit this entry as normal, but do not remove {{rfv}} until the request has been resolved.




  1. hanzi form of xuix
    • 1450, Yang Fu (楊黼), 《詞記山花——咏蒼洱境》:
      Boiling tea water, greeting each other.


simp. and trad.
alternative forms 𡿭

Glyph origin

Historical forms of the character
Shang Western Zhou Warring States Shuowen Jiezi (compiled in Han) Liushutong (compiled in Ming)
Oracle bone script Bronze inscriptions Bronze inscriptions Chu slip and silk script Qin slip script Small seal script Transcribed ancient scripts

Pictogram (象形) – compare (chuān).

Wikipedia has articles on:

Etymology 1


From Proto-Sino-Tibetan *lwi(j) (flow; stream) (Benedict, 1974; Coblin, 1986; Handel, 1998; Schuessler, 2007; STEDT). Cognate with Mizo lui (stream; brook; river), Tedim Chin [script needed] (luːi³, stream; river), Jingpho lawi (to flow (as water)).

Old Chinese (*lhuiʔ), as reconstructed by Schuessler, is Sino-Tibetan root's endoactive derivation with suffix *-ʔ, meaning "that which is flowing"; its voiceless initial suggests the presence of a nominalizing prefix *k- or *s-. Another derivative from the Sino-Tibetan root is possibly (winʔ, to flow) (minimally reconstructed).

Compare also areal etymon Proto-Mon-Khmer *lujʔ ~ luuj() ~ luəj() ~ ləəj() (to wade; to swim).

Alternatively, Gong (1995) reconstructs Old Chinese *hljədx and compares it to Tibetan ཆུ (chu, water), which STEDT derives from Proto-Sino-Tibetan *tsju (water; liquid; bodily fluid). Baxter and Sagart (2014), employing evidence from the Proto-Min form of the Min colloquial variant , reconstructs the latter *turʔ and thereby reconstructs Old Chinese *s.turʔ, and compares it to Proto-Sino-Tibetan *twəj (to flow; to suppurate), which is likely related to *m-t(w)əj-n ~ m-ti-s (water; fluid; to soak; to be wet) (STEDT). Like Gong (1995), Sagart (2017) compares it to Tibetan ཆུ (chu), but he also compares it to Bodo (India) दै (dwi), Mizo tui, Proto-Karen *thejᴬ, all of which STEDT derives from Proto-Sino-Tibetan *m-t(w)əj-n ~ m-ti-s. Handel deems derivations from Proto-Sino-Tibetan *tsju or *m-t(w)əj-n ~ m-ti-s unlikely because of phonological issues (STEDT).



  • cūi - literary (common);
  • cṳ̄ - vernacular (only used in some words as the first syllable).
  • chúi - vernacular;
  • súi - literary.
  • zui2 - vernacular;
  • sui2 - literary.
Note: Due to the unintuitive nature of the rime and the relative lack of usage of the term, has several nonstandard literary pronunciations, such as /sue/, /sø/, or /sei/. These are mostly used by younger speakers.
  • xy3 - vernacular;
  • sui3 - literary.

    • Dialectal data
    Variety Location
    Mandarin Beijing /ʂuei²¹⁴/
    Harbin /ʂuei²¹³/
    Tianjin /suei¹³/
    Jinan /ʂuei⁵⁵/
    Qingdao /ʂue⁵⁵/
    Zhengzhou /ʂuei⁵³/
    Xi'an /fei⁵³/
    Xining /fɨ⁵³/
    Yinchuan /ʂuei⁵³/
    Lanzhou /fei⁴⁴²/
    Ürümqi /ʂuei⁵¹/
    Wuhan /suei⁴²/
    Chengdu /suei⁵³/
    Guiyang /suei⁴²/
    Kunming /ʂuei⁵³/
    Nanjing /ʂuəi²¹²/
    Hefei /ʂue²⁴/
    Jin Taiyuan /suei⁵³/
    Pingyao /suei⁵³/
    Hohhot /suei⁵³/
    Wu Shanghai /sz̩³⁵/
    Suzhou /sz̩ʷ⁵¹/
    Hangzhou /sz̩ʷei⁵³/
    Wenzhou /sz̩³⁵/
    Hui Shexian /ɕye³⁵/
    Tunxi /ɕy³¹/
    Xiang Changsha /ɕyei⁴¹/
    Xiangtan /ɕyəi⁴²/
    Gan Nanchang /sui²¹³/
    Hakka Meixian /sui³¹/
    Taoyuan /ʃui³¹/
    Cantonese Guangzhou /søy³⁵/
    Nanning /sui³⁵/
    Hong Kong /søy³⁵/
    Min Xiamen (Hokkien) /sui⁵³/
    Fuzhou (Eastern Min) /t͡suoi³²/
    Jian'ou (Northern Min) /sy²¹/
    Shantou (Teochew) /t͡sui⁵³/
    Haikou (Hainanese) /sui³¹/

    Reading # 1/1
    Initial () (26)
    Final () (18)
    Tone (調) Rising (X)
    Openness (開合) Closed
    Division () III
    Baxter sywijX
    BaxterSagart system 1.1 (2014)
    Reading # 1/1
    ‹ sywijX ›
    /*s.turʔ/ (E dialect: *-r > *-j)
    English water; river

    Notes for Old Chinese notations in the Baxter–Sagart system:

    * Parentheses "()" indicate uncertain presence;
    * Square brackets "[]" indicate uncertain identity, e.g. *[t] as coda may in fact be *-t or *-p;
    * Angle brackets "<>" indicate infix;
    * Hyphen "-" indicates morpheme boundary;

    * Period "." indicates syllable boundary.
    Zhengzhang system (2003)
    Reading # 1/1
    No. 11948
    MC rime



    1. water (Classifier: m;  c;  m c;  m c;  m c;  m c)
      謝謝 [MSC, trad.]
      谢谢 [MSC, simp.]
      Qǐng gěi wǒ yī bēi shuǐ, xièxiè. [Pinyin]
      A glass of water, please.
        ―  shuǐ  ―  to drink water
        ―  bīngshuǐ  ―  iced water
        ―  lěngshuǐ  ―  cold water
      [Cantonese]  ―  dung3 seoi2 [Jyutping]  ―  cold water
        ―  shuǐ  ―  hot water
        ―  kāishuǐ  ―  boiled water
      [Cantonese]  ―  gwan2 seoi2 [Jyutping]  ―  boiled water
      族館族馆  ―  shuǐzúguǎn  ―  aquarium
        ―  shuǐcǎi  ―  watercolour
        ―  shuǐwēn  ―  water temperature
        ―  shuǐ  ―  rainwater
        ―  hǎishuǐ  ―  seawater
      飲用饮用  ―  yǐnyòngshuǐ  ―  drinking water
      礦泉矿泉  ―  kuàngquánshuǐ  ―  mineral water
      蒸餾蒸馏  ―  zhēngliúshuǐ  ―  distilled water
        ―  shuǐzhá  ―  sluice
      力發電力发电  ―  shuǐlìfādiàn  ―  hydroelectricity
      化合物  ―  tànshuǐhuàhéwù  ―  carbohydrate
        ―  tuōshuǐ  ―  to dehydrate; dehydration
      中毒  ―  shuǐzhōngdú  ―  water intoxication; water poisoning
      雙氧双氧  ―  shuāngyǎngshuǐ  ―  hydrogen peroxide (literally, “water with two oxygen (atoms)”)
    2. liquid; potion; juice
        ―  kǒushuǐ  ―  saliva
        ―  hànshuǐ  ―  sweat
        ―  yángshuǐ  ―  amniotic fluid
        ―  xiāngshuǐ  ―  perfume
      眼藥眼药  ―  yǎnyàoshuǐ  ―  eyedrop
    3. (colloquial, chiefly Singapore, Malaysia) Synonym of 飲料饮料 (yǐnliào, beverage)
      什麼什么  ―  Yào jiào shénme shuǐ?  ―  What beverage do you want to order?
      什物 [Hokkien, trad. and simp.]
      Beh kiò sím-mi̍h chúi? [Pe̍h-ōe-jī]
      What beverage do you want to order?
    4. (archaic) river
        ―  Hànshuǐ  ―  the Han River
    5. body of water
        ―  shuǐ  ―  waterway
        ―  sān miàn huán shuǐ  ―  to be surrounded by (bodies of) water on three sides
    6. flood
        ―  shuǐ  ―  to flood
    7. additional cost or income
    8. (dialectal) rain
    9. (Cantonese) money
      [Cantonese]  ―  bong6 seoi2 [Jyutping]  ―  to pay
      [Cantonese]  ―  loek6-1 seoi2 [Jyutping]  ―  to obtain money dishonestly
    10. (Cantonese) hundred dollars (Classifier: c)
      [Cantonese]  ―  saam1 gau6 seoi2 [Jyutping]  ―  three hundred dollars
    11. (Cantonese) source of revenue (Classifier: c)
    12. (Cantonese) to fool; to deceive; to misguide
    13. to swim
        ―  shuǐxìng  ―  swimming ability
    14. (colloquial) lacking substance or power; worthless
      這裡大學 [MSC, trad.]
      这里大学 [MSC, simp.]
      Zhèlǐ de dàxué tài shuǐ le. [Pinyin]
      The universities here are too weak.
    15. Short for 划水 (huáshuǐ, “to shirk; to slack off”).
    16. one of the five elements of Wu Xing (五行)
    17. (colloquial) Classifier for the number of times clothing was washed.
    18. Sui people
        ―  shuǐshū  ―  Shuishu (the traditional writing system of the Sui people)
    19. a surname
    • (beverage):
    • (antonym(s) of body of water):



    The time allocated for running scripts has expired.


    Sino-Xenic (The time allocated for running scripts has expired.):
    • The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
    • The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
    • The time allocated for running scripts has expired.


    • → Bai: *ɕui²
      • The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
      • The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
      • The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
      • The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
    • The time allocated for running scripts has expired.

    Etymology 2


    The time allocated for running scripts has expired.



    The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired.





    The time allocated for running scripts has expired.



    The time allocated for running scripts has expired.



    Etymology 1


    The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired.

    The time allocated for running scripts has expired.

    ⟨mi1du⟩ → *The time allocated for running scripts has expired.The time allocated for running scripts has expired.The time allocated for running scripts has expired.

    From The time allocated for running scripts has expired.. First attested in the Kojiki of 712 CE.[1] In turn, from The time allocated for running scripts has expired.. Ryukyuan cognates support the existence of the first vowel having an initial mid vowel.

    Possibly cognate with The time allocated for running scripts has expired..

    Possible cognate with The time allocated for running scripts has expired., The time allocated for running scripts has expired., The time allocated for running scripts has expired., The time allocated for running scripts has expired., The time allocated for running scripts has expired., The time allocated for running scripts has expired..



    The time allocated for running scripts has expired.



    The time allocated for running scripts has expired.

    1. water (The time allocated for running scripts has expired.)
      The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
      The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
      • 905914, Kokin Wakashū
        The time allocated for running scripts has expired.The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
    2. drinking water
      The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
    3. a fluid, liquid
      The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
    4. a flood
      The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
    5. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. halting
    6. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. water offered to sumo wrestlers before a bout

    Usage notes

    • Note that, while mizu is the most general Japanese term for “The time allocated for running scripts has expired.”, it does refer specifically to “The time allocated for running scripts has expired.”. Meanwhile, the word The time allocated for running scripts has expired. refers specifically to “The time allocated for running scripts has expired.”. Consider The time allocated for running scripts has expired., contrasting with The time allocated for running scripts has expired..
    Derived terms



    The time allocated for running scripts has expired.

    1. water
    Derived terms

    Proper noun


    The time allocated for running scripts has expired.

    1. The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
    2. The time allocated for running scripts has expired.

    Etymology 2


    The time allocated for running scripts has expired. ⟨mi1 → *The time allocated for running scripts has expired.The time allocated for running scripts has expired.

    From The time allocated for running scripts has expired..

    Typically found in compounds.[1]



    The time allocated for running scripts has expired.

    1. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. above
    Derived terms

    Etymology 3


    The time allocated for running scripts has expired. /ɕuwi/ → */suwi//sui/

    From The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired..

    Compare modern The time allocated for running scripts has expired., modern The time allocated for running scripts has expired..



    The time allocated for running scripts has expired.



    The time allocated for running scripts has expired.

    1. water: one of the five classical elements in traditional Chinese philosophy and medicine
    2. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. Wednesday
    3. shaved ice served with flavored syrup
      The time allocated for running scripts has expired.



    The time allocated for running scripts has expired.

    1. water
    2. body of water
    3. fluid, liquid
    4. The time allocated for running scripts has expired.: hydrogen
    Derived terms

    Proper noun


    The time allocated for running scripts has expired.

    1. The time allocated for running scripts has expired.

    Etymology 4


    The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. ⟨mopi1 → *The time allocated for running scripts has expired.The time allocated for running scripts has expired.The time allocated for running scripts has expired.The time allocated for running scripts has expired.

    From The time allocated for running scripts has expired.. Via metonymy from the word The time allocated for running scripts has expired., from the meaning of “that which goes in the The time allocated for running scripts has expired.”.[1][2] Compare the development of modern The time allocated for running scripts has expired., where the word for the container is similarly used to refer to the contents.



    The time allocated for running scripts has expired.



    The time allocated for running scripts has expired.

    1. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. drinking water
    Derived terms

    The time allocated for running scripts has expired.


    1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
    2. ^ Cite error: The time allocated for running scripts has expired.Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named DJR

    The time allocated for running scripts has expired.





    From The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired.. The time allocated for running scripts has expired.



    The time allocated for running scripts has expired.




    The time allocated for running scripts has expired.

    1. The time allocated for running scripts has expired.The time allocated for running scripts has expired. [affix]
    2. The time allocated for running scripts has expired.The time allocated for running scripts has expired.




    • The time allocated for running scripts has expired. (2007). Digital Hanja Dictionary, The time allocated for running scripts has expired.. [1]

    Lama Bai


    The time allocated for running scripts has expired.

    A user has added this The time allocated for running scripts has expired.entry to [[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.#水|requests for verification]]([{{fullurle:The time allocated for running scripts has expired.|action=edit&section=new&preload=Template:rfv/preload$1&preloadparams%5B%5D=%3Cstrong+class%3D%22error%22%3E%3Cspan+class%3D%22scribunto-error%22+id%3D%22mw-scribunto-error-3d8151e8%22%3EThe+time+allocated+for+running+scripts+has+expired.%3C%2Fspan%3E%3C%2Fstrong%3E.%20&preloadtitle=%5B%5B%E6%B0%B4%23rfv-notice-lay-%7c%E6%B0%B4%5D%5D}} +])
    If it cannot be verified that this term meets our attestation criteria, it will be deleted. Feel free to edit this The time allocated for running scripts has expired.entry as normal, but do not remove The time allocated for running scripts has expired. until the request has been resolved.

    The time allocated for running scripts has expired.



    The time allocated for running scripts has expired.

    1. hanzi form of ɕy³³ (water)



    The time allocated for running scripts has expired.



    The time allocated for running scripts has expired.



    From The time allocated for running scripts has expired.. This form preserves the initial pJ *e that was raised to i in Central Japanese.


    • The time allocated for running scripts has expired.



    The time allocated for running scripts has expired.

    1. water


    • ミズ” in Okinawa Center of Language Study, The time allocated for running scripts has expired..

    みず” in Celik Kenan Thibault, The time allocated for running scripts has expired., 2016.

    The time allocated for running scripts has expired.

    Northern Amami Ōshima


    The time allocated for running scripts has expired.



    The time allocated for running scripts has expired.



    From The time allocated for running scripts has expired.. This form preserves the initial pJ *e that was raised to i in Central Japanese.



    The time allocated for running scripts has expired.

    1. water
    2. amniotic fluid

    The time allocated for running scripts has expired.





    The time allocated for running scripts has expired.



    The time allocated for running scripts has expired.



    The time allocated for running scripts has expired.



    From earlier The time allocated for running scripts has expired., attested in 1711 in the The time allocated for running scripts has expired., itself from The time allocated for running scripts has expired..

    The word underwent a pronunciation change due to the shifting of The time allocated for running scripts has expired. to The time allocated for running scripts has expired. after alveolar consonants.

    Cognate with The time allocated for running scripts has expired., The time allocated for running scripts has expired..



    The time allocated for running scripts has expired.



    The time allocated for running scripts has expired.

    1. water

    Derived terms




    The time allocated for running scripts has expired.





    The time allocated for running scripts has expired.



    From The time allocated for running scripts has expired..



    The time allocated for running scripts has expired.

    1. water



    The time allocated for running scripts has expired.

    Old Japanese


    Etymology 1


    From The time allocated for running scripts has expired.. Ryukyuan cognates support the existence of the first vowel having an initial mid vowel.

    Possibly cognate with The time allocated for running scripts has expired.. The time allocated for running scripts has expired.(Can this(+) etymology be sourced?)The time allocated for running scripts has expired.



    The time allocated for running scripts has expired.

    1. water

    Derived terms


    The time allocated for running scripts has expired.

    Etymology 2




    The time allocated for running scripts has expired.

    1. water



    For quotations using this term, see [[Citations:水#The time allocated for running scripts has expired.|Citations:水]].

    Southern Amami Ōshima




    The time allocated for running scripts has expired.



    From The time allocated for running scripts has expired..



    The time allocated for running scripts has expired.

    1. water

    The time allocated for running scripts has expired.

    Southern Bai


    The time allocated for running scripts has expired.

    A user has added this The time allocated for running scripts has expired.entry to [[The time allocated for running scripts has expired.#水|requests for verification]]([{{fullurle:The time allocated for running scripts has expired.|action=edit&section=new&preload=Template:rfv/preload$1&preloadparams%5B%5D=%3Cstrong+class%3D%22error%22%3E%3Cspan+class%3D%22scribunto-error%22+id%3D%22mw-scribunto-error-3d8151e8%22%3EThe+time+allocated+for+running+scripts+has+expired.%3C%2Fspan%3E%3C%2Fstrong%3E.%20&preloadtitle=%5B%5B%E6%B0%B4%23rfv-notice-bfs-%7c%E6%B0%B4%5D%5D}} +])
    If it cannot be verified that this term meets our attestation criteria, it will be deleted. Feel free to edit this The time allocated for running scripts has expired.entry as normal, but do not remove The time allocated for running scripts has expired. until the request has been resolved.

    The time allocated for running scripts has expired.



    The time allocated for running scripts has expired.

    1. hanzi form of ɕy³³ (water)



    Han character


    The time allocated for running scripts has expired.

    1. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. form of The time allocated for running scripts has expired..
    2. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. The time allocated for running scripts has expired. form of The time allocated for running scripts has expired..



    The time allocated for running scripts has expired.





    The time allocated for running scripts has expired.



    The time allocated for running scripts has expired.



    From The time allocated for running scripts has expired..

    Possibly also related to The time allocated for running scripts has expired., The time allocated for running scripts has expired..


    • The time allocated for running scripts has expired. (tone class A)



    The time allocated for running scripts has expired.

    1. water



    The time allocated for running scripts has expired.





    The time allocated for running scripts has expired.



    From The time allocated for running scripts has expired..

    Possibly also related to The time allocated for running scripts has expired., The time allocated for running scripts has expired..


    • The time allocated for running scripts has expired. (tone class A)



    The time allocated for running scripts has expired.

    1. water



    The time allocated for running scripts has expired.